Jelonet Fat Gauze 5 x 5cm

JELONET consists of a dressing made of paraffin-impregnated cotton mesh. The bandages are supplied sterile and are available in various sizes.

  • Availability: In stock
  • Brand: Smith & Nephew Healthcare
  • SKU: 3602601
23.64 €

  • It softens and protects the wound and allows the free passage of viscous exudate. The dressing is characterized by being soothing, with low adherence, allowing the wound to drain freely into the secondary absorbent dressing.
  • It keeps the shape, without shredding. The product is made of open fabric gauze and has interconnected threads that, when cut, do not shred.
  • It can be combined with the topical medication of choice. JELONET does not present medicine and is ideal for topical use with antiseptic or antibiotic of choice.
  • JELONET protects the lesion, avoiding the adherence of the protective dressing and preventing the dehydration of the granulation tissue.
  • The product is indicated for the treatment of clean skin lesions, protecting them, and avoiding the rupture of the granulation tissue when changing the dressing.
  • Suitable for frequent changes.
  • JELONET is indicated for use as a wound contact layer in the following cases of burns, graft sites, wounds with skin loss, and chronic wounds (leg ulcers or decubitus ulcers).
Instructions for use
  • Clean the lesion according to normal procedures.
  • Select the appropriate size of JELONET.
  • Prepare and clean the skin around the lesion. Excess hair should be knitted to ensure good contact with the lesion.
  • JELONET should be positioned over the lesion and applied to cover the entire wounded area, exceeding it by approximately 1cm.
  • Apply an absorbent dressing over JELONET and fix the set with a secondary retention dressing.
  • Do not use the product if the packaging is open or damaged.
  • It must not be re-sterilized.
  • It must be changed according to the dressing change protocol as if it was going to change the conventional gauze dressing.
  • The secondary dressing must be carefully removed from retention, along with the absorbent dressing.
  • Only then remove JELONET from the lesion.
  • In this way, the risk of granulation tissue rupture will be minimal.


Article dimensions
5 x 5cm
Box of 50 units
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